Syd Gilliland


Director of Children's Ministry and Church Events


Syd Gilliland serves as Emmanuel’s Preschool and Children’s Ministry Director. Syd is a Missouri native and came to faith in Christ at 24. Syd has been an Emmanuel member since 1992 and has worked with Emmanuel’s children in various capacities since 1993. Children have always had a special place in Syd’s heart and she believes they are one of God’s most precious gifts.

Syd met her future husband, David, while attending Southeast Missouri State University. They began dating and were married three years later. Now, after 38-years of marriage, two children, and six moves to various states, she enjoys being planted in Kansas!

Home decorating has always been enjoyable for Syd, and she is always working on a project at the house!  She enjoys playing with and loving on the family dog, Terry. She also enjoys cooking and loves to prepare a special meal for Emmanuel’s new mothers and their families after each child is born!

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